Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The time has come ...

It is with mixed emotions that I start my year long journey to the bottom of the Americas.

EXCITED to experience new people, cultures, nature, and whatever comes my way.

SAD to be leaving family and friends.  I will see some of you on the road and already looking forward to that.  A year will go quickly.  See you when I get back!

RELIEVED that the planning, packing, organizing, and overall process of pulling out of the driveway is done.  I can just get going now!  I suspect I packed many things I won't need and likely forgot 1 or 2 that I may wish I had.

So, time to get this show on the road and see what I see!


  1. Best of luck on your adventure! I did the Alaska to Cape Horn via motorcycle in 99/2000 so I'm excited to follow your trip! I'm in the Bay Area also.....feel free to reach out. Steve

  2. Hi Steve - Thanks for the well wishes. So far I'm have a great time!
